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We're 60! 我们60岁了!

Celebrating 60 years of serving the Queenstown Community 庆祝为女皇镇社区服事的60周年

Exhibition has ended 展览已结束

Thank you for visiting! 感谢您的到来!

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Stories 故事

Humans of QBC

Watch a short video (16 minutes) of QBC members recounting God’s steadfast love in our lives. 请观看短片,与QBC会友回顾上帝对我们不渝的爱(16 分钟)

Home: Video
QBC60 Pattern 2_edited.jpg

Get in Touch 联系我们

495 Margaret Dr, Singapore 149305

Call Ps Isabella 薇雯传道 at 64718078

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©2022 by Queenstown Baptist Church

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